For many companies, shop floor workers are the backbone, driving future developments, shaping entire productions, and making dreams happen. They're genuinely the nameless heroes of many global companies. So, why are shop floor workers left behind when it comes to the employee experience? These workers are all too often disengaged.
Despite the fact they're incredibly critical to the success of entire facilities, deskless workers frequently don't have the dedicated workspaces or proper applications to stay connected with management departments. This severely limits information sharing between management and shop floor locations like factories, warehouses, or any other industry-related facilities.
Far too often shop floor workers don't know (or only find out too late) why, for example, production processes have been changed, what the results of their work are, and what their company has recently achieved. So, instead of being as informed and engaged as their desk-based colleagues, shop floor workers work through their tasks and look forward to clocking off. Disengaged and without a sense of belonging.
This is a significant pain-point for many of our customers. And it's one we decided to tackle by launching our new Kiosk Mode. Specially designed for workers who might not have a personal login but are in desperate need of updated information and corporate data to support their day-to-day operations.
Beezy’s Kiosk Mode makes it easy for management to create, update, and deliver specific content to every manufacturing and distribution facilities around the world, streamlining what's been a labor-intensive process. It means that shop floor employees now have their own window into their employer’s heart and soul. Accessing and downloading the latest news, communications, policy updates, manuals, presentations, and guidelines.
Beezy’s Kiosk Mode means much more than just a new user access. It's a way of delivering a productive and supportive system for workers and teams of workers on the battlefield without compromising the security and integrity of corporate communications. It's an opportunity to communicate and engage with a critical audience. Request a demo, and see how Kiosk Mode can work for you.