Customers tell us time and again that they just love the endless customization possibilities Beezy offers. This was also what pleased m+p gruppe, one of the leading technical consulting companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
m+p gruppe has an interdisciplinary consulting portfolio that comprises technical planning, engineering, organisational & strategic consulting, IT and energy management. Experts from all areas have to work together smooth and seamless across competencies. Successful cooperation and information sharing of all of the different experts is vital for meeting very complex customer needs.
“To ensure easy interdisciplinary collaboration and information sharing we had to extend SharePoint into a social collaboration platform. When comparing and testing different solutions we noticed how easy it was to use and install Beezy. But at the same time it leveraged all of SharePoint´s great collaboration capabilities”, says m+p gruppe´s Head of SharePoint Division Sergio Campisi.
“What got us very excited was the degree in which Beezy could be customized. We could mould it into a social collaboration platform that supports our specific use cases”, continues Campisi. Beezy comes with more than 37 webparts that can be added and integrated to any particular page of SharePoint. Moreover our customers use Beezy´s RESTful API to integrate their applications with Beezy consuming or feeding the information contained in the Beezy database. Customers also customize Beezy´s standard Site Templates.
m+p gruppe even customized Beezy´s community creation page and process. Campisi says: "We added the option to select specific community templates in the community creation form. We told Beezy that we wanted to connect additional document libraries to Beezy communities and also connect custom SharePoint lists to the Beezy Newsfeed. I was happily surprised when Beezy showed me that these were standard Beezy features that didn´t even need any customization. As a next step we will look into Beezy´s Mobile Apps".
About m+p gruppe
The companies of m+p gruppe have successfully supported owners, operators and users of real estate with engineering, consulting, contracting and IT solutions for the entire lifecycle. With offices throughout Germany and Austria, m+p gruppe currently serves more than 400 mid-sized companies and numerous corporations in Germany and abroad. m+p gruppe can call on their core competencies in technical planning, organizational and strategic consulting, energy management as a well as software solutions for ERP and CRM.
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