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Once upon a time...Beezy brings storytelling into the digital workplace

11/4/18 5:05 AM

Being read to as a child. A gossip with a neighbour. Swapping tales at dinner with friends. Telling stories makes us human and bridges age and interests.

Storytelling can transform internal communications

Today, Instagram and Facebook Stories have turned storytelling into a digital art form, allowing anyone to stitch together a beautiful, visually compelling narrative that compels others to press ‘like’ ‘share’ or ‘comment’. Imagine what that could do in the workplace for employee engagement. Imagine if there were a tool which enabled internal communications teams to create and publish company news in a compelling way. Oh wait - there is! It’s called Beezy Stories and we’re delighted to announce its availability to Office 365 users.

Introducing Beezy Stories

We know from customer feedback that making emails creative or intranet updates interactive is, well, an uphill battle. Consequently, internal comms becomes a laborious, flat and formal business which can be a chore for managers to produce and a bind for employees to read. Which they often don’t. So we thought we’d do something about it.

Beezy Stories is a news creation and publishing tool for internal comms which offers powerful visual, social and editing features to bring company news, updates and announcements to life. A combination of text, photos and videos can be used to present internal updates as magazine articles which encourages employees to respond and share. The scheduling, approval, and pipeline of news is managed within a workflow system and articles can be published in multiple languages, company-wide or tailored to specific audiences, plus it’s mobile-first letting you catch up on company news while on the move.

Have a look at Beezy Stories in action in our short video.

Quick, simple and compelling

We’ve thought long and hard about the features that will make the lives of internal comms managers easier.

  • A Stories Admin Panel keeps a record of what has been authored and published, enabling a controlled approvals process
  • Channels allow managers to select the teams, departments or groups that they wish to publish to
  • Audiences allow a balance between push and pull, since managers select obligatory audiences but employees can choose to follow preferred channels too
  • You can easily make any formatting changes without leaving your draft and embed videos and images with ease
  • Tags organize content and make it easily discoverable
  • Multilingual support allows managers to publish their stories in 20 different languages
  • A News Carousel allows you to curate and rotate the featured articles and present other stories in mosaic view. That way employees always see fresh content in their news feed

storytelling_can_transform_internal_communications Turn internal communications into a digital artform

Thinking about presenting company news as you would tell a story leads to interesting things. An address from the CEO at once becomes more personal, one employee comment on an article gives others the courage to contribute and attractive visuals make lower-key updates more noticeable and more readable. Suddenly what used to be a swath of check-box company announcements become potential conversations with engaged employees.

Want to know more yourself? Request a demo today to find out how storytelling can transform internal communications!
P.S. Did you know you can use Beezy as your Content Management System?

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